
Friday, October 22, 2010

The Hubble Dub

Happy Friday! There's no better way to kick off a roudy weekend than with some heavy thinking and dub! All of the images I post on this site are real. I'm not normally someone to get mind blown, but holyfack, space is ridiculous!

Flux Pavillion has been one of my favourite dubstep artists for a looooong time. Check him out!
Cracks feat. Belle Humble { Flux Pavillion Remix } by TJ FRESH


  1. that image is mesmerizing

  2. Aw, I thought the song was supposed to go well with looking at the picture. I didn't imagine drumming like that when thinking of space.

  3. Awesome, great song.
    I know what you mean though, when you think about how insignificant we are, it really starts to blow your mind. The universe is such a large place that we can only begin to imagine what we will find even 100 light years away.

  4. Beautiful pic and song, you improved my morning!
